90 Miles from Needles: New Joshua tree episode

The newest 90 Miles from Needles episode, on the campaign to get the western Joshua tree listed as a California threatened species is live, here:

… with an interview with Brendan Cummings, author of the petition to list the trees, and Conservation Director with the Center for Biological Diversity. We also speak to Christina Sanchez, a local botanical activist working near Joshua Tree National Park, about her efforts to get the town of Yucca Valley to enforce its own Joshua tree protection laws. And Alicia and I visit the site of a proposed glamping resort, which would sit atop a wildlife migration corridor in a forest of the trees.

The trees’ future depends on all of us. On June 15, the California Fish and Game Commission will be voting on whether to grant the trees permanent protection under the California Endangered Species Act. They need to hear from all of us. The deadline for written comments that Commissioners will see before the meeting is June 2. More info here.

And here’s a photo of Alicia next to a spectacular Mojave yucca on the site of that proposed glamping resort.

Thanks for reading. Please reach out to the Fish and Game Commission. And tell your friends about the podcast episode. We need all the voices we can get.

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