Our Season Finale: Desert Ironwoods

The desert ironwood, Olneya tesota, is the basis of an entire ecosystem in the Sonoran desert. And this ecosystem includes people.

In our 22nd episode of Season 1, Alicia and Chris hike in Ironwood Country and talk to the renowned Petey Mesquitey, host of Growing Native on KXCI in Tucson AZ, about this wonderful tree. We also take a little time to thank those of you who've made our first season a resounding success. Check us out at 90milesfromneedles.com to see what we have planned for 2023!

Listen to Petey Mesquitey's Growing Native at https://kxci.org/programs/growing-native-with-petey-mesquitey/

This episode is dedicated in memory of 90 Miler and Patreon supporter Heather Hurley, who persuaded Chris 20 years ago that Boron, CA was a more interesting place than he had realized. We will miss you, friend.

This episode is the final one in our first season. We are taking the month of December as a hiatus look for our next episode on January 9, 2023.

But! We may publish episodes of a couple other podcasts we think you’ll enjoy during December, with a few words of introduction tacked on the front so that you don’t think you’re listening in error. We’re in negotiation with those podcasters and hope they’ll agree to be featured this way.

This season ends with us feeling extremely grateful for our listeners. The feedback you’ve given us has been wonderful. And we’re especially grateful for those of you who’ve chosen to support us via our Patreon page or by way of Ko-Fi.

And if you haven’t yet kicked into our Patreon pot but have been meaning to, here’s an excuse: We’ve set ourselves a goal of reaching 100 Patreon subscribers by the end of the year. We’re pretty close we only need 12 new subscribers to surpass this goal. How do you put us over the top? Go here.

Lastly, we’ll likely be putting together a little wrap party in the Joshua Tree area in mid-December. Keep your eyes peeled.

Thanks for everything you do to help protect the desert!

— Alicia and Chris