S4E2: Some good news about Ash Meadows

A shimmering blue and green pool, fringed by vegetation, and a half dozen rare blue pupfish swimming around.

Our second episode of the season dropped today, and despite the general context of the country this week, it’s some good news.

In the episode, Chris talks to frequent guest Mason Voehl, Executive Director of the Amargosa Conservancy, about a significant win in the amargosa Bsin: A temporary halt to new mining claims in the vicinity of Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge.

We’ve been tracking this issue for a couple of years now (see here and here) and good news is definitely extremely welcome, especially this week.

Chris also discusses the beginnings of a new online community of desert protection advocates, a place where we can share information, ideas, and friendship — and keep each other closer to sane for the next four years. You can add yourself to the notification list by going to our Patreon page and click the prominent “Join For Free” button.